Theatrical Flair
The Drama department thrives off extra-curricular involvement at Barton Court. The 2018/19 academic year is already full with performance opportunities for pupils from KS3 to KS5.
Drama club runs every Friday lunch time. This is mainly built from passionate KS3 pupils. With a consistent turnout of 40 pupils or more, the pupils are given more time to ‘get into their character’s shoes’ and prepare for performance. This club is the proud creator of the ‘The Barton Court Pantomime’ and will be performing in December 2018. We always welcome new members- especially passionate ones!
The Barton Court Youth Theatre meets every Wednesday after school. This is an audition entry only group which focusses on higher level acting skills. The company are currently working with the Shakespeare School’s Festival and rehearsing Macbeth ready to perform at the Gulbenkian in November 2018. This club offers visits from professionals in the creative industry, as well as performance opportunities outside of school. Definitely for those interested in taking performing to the next level.
We hold an Annual School Musical at Barton Court. Rehearsals for this take place every Tuesday and Thursday after school (more for principles). This is a great opportunity for KS3-KS5 pupils to mix and become part of a musical ensemble. In previous years, pupils have performed; We Will Rock You, Beauty and the Beast, My Fair Lady and this year’s musical ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ was one that cannot be missed. Pupils will have the opportunity to audition for the 2019 musical in January.
New for 2018/19 will be Script writing. Pupils in KS5 are encouraged to write their own material and use KS4 as actors. This is mainly aimed at those who are script writing as part of their Extended Project Qualification and who want to see their work come to life. There will be an opportunity for outstanding pieces to be a part of the Canterbury Festival 2019.