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During the last Enrichment Day at Barton Court Grammar School, students took part in an exciting day of employer encounters. Find out more @


Take a look at the fantastic Art work from students at Barton Court Grammar School...


Y12 students recently visited The Royal Society to explore the very latest advances in Science and accessed over 300 scientists at the forefront of their field. The exhibition offers a unique opportunity to explore the science shaping our future with the people making it happen.



BCGS is proud to be open to pupils from all backgrounds. To support this, we work in partnership with Atom Learning who provides students that are eligible for Pupil Premium with free online learning and 11+ exam preparation. Visit:


On 4 May, Barton Court hosted the largest post-COVID chess tournament, adult or junior, in East Kent... the Kent Megafinal. Read more at:


Year 5 Students enjoyed another Taster Morning at BCGS. Read more about it at:


83 of our Year 10 Biology students took part in this year’s UKBC Biology Challenge and competed against 45,400 students across the country. Find out how the students did at


Late in March, students enjoyed our latest careers fair. Thank you to the local businesses and course providers for coming along to inspire our students. Read about the event at:



Thank you to Abbie from , one of our school charities, for coming in last week to talk to our students about the work they do.We are looking forward to continuing to raise lots of money to support their cause.


We're extremely proud of Toral in Y12 who was selected to play for the first ever U18 female Barbarians squad this weekend. The team was selected to play against Rugby School to celebrate 200 years of rugby union. An amazing experience and an excellent achievement.


There's a real & growing concern re how many young people share inappropriate images online, leading to potential exploitation, blackmail & harm from a young age & leaving a lasting digital footprint. If you share it, you're involved. Speak to the DSL team if you've concerns.


We were delighted to welcome the BBC Bitesize Careers Roadshow last week. Students learnt about a wide variety of career pathways in fashion, TV production & academia which many found very helpful and interesting


Y12 Health & Social Care students enjoyed a visit to Medicine, Health & Social Care Dept's Simulation Suite. With dummies that can be programmed to simulate different disorders students practiced their CPR skills & saw who was the most accurate with compressions!


We are looking for three new Exam Invigilators so if you, or anyone you know, is interested please click the link below:


We were delighted to open the Schools’ Lunchtime Concerts at this year's Canterbury Festival. Y7-Y13 students presented a variety of styles & the Barton Manor Djembe Drummers, who were the opening act joined us. The organizers described it as “a hard act to follow".


Y11 enjoyed a great trip to The Globe last term to see a production of Macbeth. They really enjoyed the immersive experience of being a "groundling" with some having lines delivered directly to them!


🚨 it’s coming 🚨 We know it’s a ‘bit’ early but we have to get ready. Team up with family/friends/colleagues this November to help us help those who need it


We are seeking an Attendance & Cover Officer to work term time only. Should you, or someone you know, be interested, please click the link below.


Amazing self portrait from a student in Y8 in the style of Kehinde Wiley who the year group have been studying.#art


🚨 it’s coming 🚨 We know it’s a ‘bit’ early but we have to get ready. Team up with family/friends/colleagues this November to help us help those who need it


Y5 students from local primary schools discovered last week what it's like to learn languages at BCGS. They did a language session on pets & a cultural one on the Festival of Lights! Workshops are held regularly for primary school students to discover what life is like at BCGS.


We're very proud of this group of students who won the KSSA Annual Regatta School Trophy at Whitstable for BCGS! All the hard work and dedication paid off.


The ever-popular Spanish Exchange took 30 students ranging from Y9 to Y13 to Madrid last week to learn all about Spanish lifestyle & culture. While immersed in the language they enjoyed an amazing week full of activities with great weather & fantastic traditional Spanish cuisine

Careers Advice

As part of improving the quality and effectiveness of Barton Court's Careers Education and Guidance for our students, Mrs Smith (Assistant Head Teacher), Mr Wilcock (Head of Year 12 and Careers Coordinator) and Miss Sims (Lead Teacher for Gifted and Talented students) are working with governors, heads of year, teaching staff, students, parents, external agencies, further education institutions and businesses so that Barton Court continues to ensure that our students receive excellent Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG).

Contact details for key staff:

Mr Wilcock, Head of Year 12 and Careers Coordinator –

                          Mr Wilcock can be contacted on 01227 464600

Miss Sims, Lead teacher for Gifted and Talented students –

Mrs Smith, Deputy Head Teacher –

Mr White, Associate Assistant Head Teacher, Head of Sixth Form –

Barton Court is working to achieve the 8 Gatsby Careers Benchmarks, which reflect international best practice, to improve careers provision. As a school, we will be ensuring that we maintain all 8 Gatsby benchmarks throughout the academic year 2021-2022.

The school has used Compass, an online self-evaluation tool for schools to use to assess how careers support compares against the Gatsby Benchmarks and the national average. We have baselined ourselves using this tool to improve our careers programme based on these results, and track the school’s progress against the Benchmarks over time. A tracker planning tool will be used to help record activities clearly and easily, and will identify how the school is meeting the Benchmark scores.

Barton Court Grammar School is working with The Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC) which will provide external support to the school. In 2014, the Government established the CEC, to provide the strategic coordination for employers, schools, colleges, funders and careers programme providers to create high impact careers and enterprise support to young people (aged 12-18). The CEC’s initial focus has been on employer engagement, based on evidence about the importance of giving young people more opportunities to connect with employers of all sizes and from all sectors. The aim will be for every student from Year 7 -13 to have at least one meaningful encounter each year with employers and that these encounters will inspire pupils and allow them to learn about what work is like, or what it takes to be successful in the workforce. In addition to this, the schools aim is for all or the majority of pupils to have encounters with further or higher education establishment. Students will have encounters with these organisations whilst in school (in addition to the access we provide to apprenticeships and universities).

From Year 7 through to Year 13 students are encouraged to actively develop knowledge and skills that contribute to their preparations for the world of employment across a range of subjects, tutor time and dedicated focus days.  Activities, including business and enterprise projects as well as workshops and specialist speakers, support our provision for our students.

All students from Year 7 to Year 13 are able to create their own personal account with the online Cascaid software packages that include Launchpad (suitable for KS3), Kudos and Careerscape (suitable for KS3, 4 and 5). Students can use this software to consider how their skills and interests relate to the world of careers opportunities available. In order to ensure all students have 24/7 access to resources that support CEIAG, there is a dedicated area in the Learning Gateway for Careers which enables both parents/carers and students to access information relating to employment, higher and further education, apprenticeships and training. The Careers section in Barton Court’s secure Learning Gateway includes Local Market Information (LMI), recent careers digital publications, links to useful online resources to support the creation of CVs, personal statements, as well as links to online software package and careers tools available.

The CXK service is available to young people through a professionally qualified Personal Advisor. CXK ensures that personal advisors are prepared for their role to maintain a high standard of guidance and have enhanced DBS checks along with up-to-date safeguarding training. Barton Court’s dedicated CXK adviser is Rachel Jury who provides independent and impartial advice and guidance within the school to students as they face decisions about their future.  He is available in schools and offer confidential guidance and support to teenagers about careers, education, training and job options, as well as other issues such as health, money, relationships, and housing. Barton Court’s provision for careers education, advice and guidance (CEIAG) offers an integrated careers programme from Year 7’s PSHEE Enrichment Day in July, group sessions for year 8 students on choosing GCSE options, through to individual interviews with actions plans for year 11 and 6th form students. Rachel Jury will attend selected parents’ and options evenings and is available to provide advice for parents/carers as well as students.

CXK Personal Advisors can work with parents/carers to help prepare their son or daughter for the future. There might be particular times when it is useful to have independent professional help and guidance, for example when one’s son or daughter:

  • is starting to think about their GCSE subject choices at Key Stage 3
  • is considering their options after Year 11. Personal advisors can give them advice and guidance on staying on in full-time education, starting work, training, work-based learning or apprenticeships
  • is thinking about future learning following their sixth-form studies
  • may be experiencing difficulties and they need extra support to get back on track
  • needs advice on the benefits available to them to support their progression through education and training
  • has a learning difficulty or disability and needs help with their next steps

How to contact CXK through the school: email

Every pupil, and their parents/carers, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. The National Careers Service offers information and professional advice about education, training and work to adults and young people aged 13 years and over. Pupils and their parents/carers can access support via a website, helpline and web chat. For more information see: